This May, the West Coast Haunters Convention, in Portland, Oregon,  has a special treat for guests who love things that “go bump in the night.” If you’re among the brave, you can book a room on the 13th floor of the convention hotel (the DoubleTree), where you’ll receive a bit of “extra attention”:

13th floor

The DoubleTree has a 13th floor and we have held every room…21 of them! Your room will be give extra attention by our WCHC staff and you will be treated to visits by our WCHC “maintenance” guy Nix and his crew of creepy, crazy and faithful helpers!

All the little extras you receive are yours to take with you at the end of the WCHC.

The 13th floor experience cost is $175, which is in addition to the regular room rate, and you must reserve a room for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

And if that’s not enough for you, there’s always Room 666!


Room 666 includes, but is not limited to:

  • Creepy and unusual decor (yours to keep it’s going to be one hell of a great room!)
  • Odd happenings.
  • Unexpected visits at all hours.
  • Things that go bump in the night.
  • Personal visits by Nyx, Helga and faithful servant.

There’s only one Room 666, and it can be purchased ONLY through an online auction, which is happening right now. Click here to be taken to the auction page. This sounds like a creepy and cool experience, similar to Alton Towers’ (UK) “Scare Rooms” featured during the Halloween season.

The West Coast Haunters Convention will be held from May 16-18, 2014, in Portland Oregon. The convention itself has been getting bigger every year and has grown from a small, local convention to a well-respected event attended by people from all over the country. Friday night features a tour of Milburn’s Haunted Manor, and convention speakers include…well,  a couple of guys from SyFy’s Face Off (after all, it wouldn’t be a haunt convention be without an appearance by somebody from that show). But more important than the so-called “celebrity speakers” are the haunters who will be giving seminars and demos throughout the weekend on all kinds of topics. This convention has a home haunter/low-pro slant to it, so if you have your own home haunt or are looking to start one, this is the convention to attend.